Find your bitcoin address

A bitcoin address is similar to an email address. You need a bitcoin address to send or receive bitcoin, just as you need an email address to send or receive email.

A bitcoin address is sometimes called a public key and there’s no risk in sharing it with other people. For example, here’s our bitcoin address:


You’ll need your bitcoin address when you redeem an Azteco on-chain voucher. Here’s how you can find your bitcoin address in our suggested bitcoin wallets:

Find your bitcoin address in the Muun app

  • Launch the Muun app.
  • Select "Receive" and then select "Bitcoin".
  • Select “Copy” to copy your bitcoin address to the clipboard.
Copying your bitcoin address to the clipboard in the Muun app

Find your bitcoin address in the Wallet of Satoshi app

  • Launch the Wallet of Satoshi app.
  • Select “Receive” and then click on the "bitcoin" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select “Copy” to copy your bitcoin address to the clipboard.
Copying your bitcoin address to the clipboard in the Wallet of Satoshi app
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